UK SugarCRM Hosting from the hosting experts!
Sugar, the market leading commercial open source Customer Relationship Management application, delivers a feature-rich set of business processes.
Hosting Plan
1 website
1-2 users
1000MB Storage
20GB Bandwidth
Shared Hosting Plan for small deployments or testing
50 POP/IMAP mail accounts

1 website
1-10 users
40GB Storage
40GB Bandwidth
Dedicated Virtual Server
50 POP/IMAP mail accounts
Free Domain Name
10 websites
10-50 users
50GB Storage
50GB Bandwidth
Dedicated Virtual Server
50 POP/IMAP mail accounts
Free Domain Name
Free Development SIte
Unlimited websites
Unlimited users
1000GB Storage
1000GB Bandwidth
Dedicated Virtual Server
50 POP/IMAP mail accounts
Free Domain Name
Hosting in Telehouse
Sugar enhances marketing effectiveness, drive sales performance, improve customer satisfaction and provide executive insight into business performance.
With Sugar, we can see the last time a customer was contacted and the nature of the contact: call, email, meeting, etc. It’s updated constantly, and ensures that we’re efficient and don’t leave any of our customers behind.
Brad Payne, Client Services Administrator, Hilldrup
Because of the complexity of SugarCRM we recommend a virtual or dedicated server account. However you can run it on a shared hosting account for testing purposes.The hosting environment can be upgraded seamlessly as your needs grow.