Free WordPress Themes
Over 90 premium themes to choose from.
WordPress Themes

WordPress comes with thousands of free themes that you can install directly from within the WordPress dashboard. There are some excellent themes available there and one of the best is GeneratePress. There are also hundreds of not so good themes so always look for one that is updated regularly and has a reasonable number of other people using it.
WordPress also supports a thriving paid-for theme ecosystem, so-call Premium Themes. If you are building your own website purchasing one of these can be a great way to get a design that suits your business requirements without a lot of fuss.
Because we know building a website from scratch can be difficult, we provide a library of over 90 premium themes covering just about every type of business or organisation. All you need to do is add your text, and your website is done.
Premium Themes
Just a few of the ready built themes we provide free with our WordPress hosting
Accomodation based themes for guest houses, AirBnB users, hotels etc.
Over 30 themes for all types of business
Publishing an online magzine? These are ideal.
Over 20 stunning blogging themes for your online journal.
Give your food business a professional online presence.
Present your images in astonishing clarity, as they deserve to be seen